March 27, 2014

Period Corsets® at the USITT Conference in Fort Worth, Texas

This year these corset girls from Seattle kicked up our heels in Fort Worth Texas. Every year we travel to a new city to visit with our Period Corsets® fans and like minded costuming and performing arts colleagues at the USITT Conference. (United States Institute for Theatre Technology) 
The Period Corsets booth at USITT

 Period Corsets® is a sustaining member of USITT and has been attending the conference since 2001. The institute's goal is to host an event which provides networking, and educational seminars for people in the performing arts. It brings students and educators together with professionals in all aspects of the performing arts and entertainment industry.
  It's one of the highlights of our year where we have the opportunity to meet our customers and colleagues in person, share our new designs, and make new contacts.

The corset girls with one  of this year's new contact 

As per tradition, Friday is "dress up day". Attendees are encouraged to try on corsets and petticoats to get a feel for the true Period Corsets® experience and they took our ensembles for a spin.

Lacing up for dress up day

Our Bustle Petticoat and Tulip Petticoat are beautiful free-standing, but seeing them in action brings on a whole new element. The romantic sweep of the skirts as one walks is captivating.

Our Five Ruffle Petticoat looks absolutely royal while testing out proper curtsying skills.

Our Late 19th Century Petticoat swirls and twirls beautifully as this lovely lady takes it for a spin.

Feeling inspired? We have several of our ensembles available on our Etsy site.

 When asked how they feel as they wear the garment, here are a few of the comments we heard.

"I really like corsets"--Kaitlin
"I feel good. It's more comfortable than I thought it would be, not for everyday though!"- Kelly
"It's more comfortable than I expected"-Courtney
"It makes me feel like a lady!"--Katherine
"I'm really glad they aren't a thing anymore!"-Christina 
"I love corsets"-Ashley

Another USITT tradition is our drawing for a corset give-away. This year's winner was Leslie Malitz. Leslie chose our classic 1880 c. Alice in black brocade.  Sign up for our quarterly newsletter to make sure you don't miss out on this opportunity next year

To see more photos and read more about the event, check out our Facebook Page

Check out our slide show with more photos of the event!

After a long 3 days we were done kicking up our heels in Fort Worth.

See you next year in Cincinnati!  March 18th to the 21st 2015

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