October 5, 2010

Period Corsets® and Jockey's

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Corsets and Jockey's?----What? YES, the horse rider- no, not the briefs. Our incredibly creative customers come up with wonderful garments for all sorts of special events.

This customer-- and avid fan of horse racing wanted a Period Corsets® c. 1900 Lilly corset to match the colors of her favorite Jockey's vibrant racing kit. She found the perfectly matching teal satin and pink ribbon to send us. She asked for a teal Lilly corset with a tidy tailored bow around her waist, and detailed with flashy gold grommets and front opening busk-- Voile' a matched pair.

Happy to oblige! She will look just as fabulously flamboyant as her horse riding hero.

Now let's hope he and his horse win the race.


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